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2016 June SAP Official New Released C_EPMBPC_10 Q&As in GreatExam.com!

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How to 100% pass C_EPMBPC_10 exam? GreatExam C_EPMBPC_10 practice test is unparalleled in quality and is 100% guaranteed to make you pass C_EPMBPC_10 exam. All the C_EPMBPC_10 prepare materials are the latest. Here are some free share of SAP C_EPMBPC_10 dumps.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)

You want to create a PD book that contains PDF files by cost center for the current year based on an EPM report , and publish it in the library. Which of the following steps are required when you create the publication template?

A.    assign the EPM report to the publication template
B.    assign a time varible to the publication template
C.    include the cost center dimension in the page axis in the publication template
D.    include the cost center dimension in the fixed keys in the publication template
E.    assign the cost center to the variable members of the publication template

Answer: CD

You enter data using EPM Office Add-inn excel.when you attempt to save the data, you receive an error message saying that the member you want to save is not a base level member.
What could help you to resolve this issue?(input form and report)

A.    set the expand option to ” member and children”
B.    restrict rows and columns to base member
C.    change the header dimensions to base members
D.    change the calc property of the parent members to N.

Answer: AC

When you create a new model from an existing model, which items are copied?(models)

A.    transaction data
B.    Data Manager Packages
C.    Journal templates
D.    control definitions

Answer: B

For which of the following models you have to create at least two “drivers and rates” type model? (models)

A.    Standard
B.    Ownership
C.    Consolidation
D.    Financial

Answer: C

You have created the controls and a user has tested them for the current period. However, the user does not see the controls for the following period in the controls monitor. How do you resolve this issue? ( business rules and controls)

A.    grant authorization to the user to view the controls for following period
B.    change the work status in the consolidation monitor for the following period
C.    assign the control level to the following period
D.    assign the control set to the following period

Answer: C

Which of the following delivered task profiles allows you to maintain environment?(administration)

A.    system security
B.    secondary admin
C.    primaryAdmin
D.    SystemAdmin

Answer: D

Which transaction allows you to access the system_constant.lgf and MDXlib.lgf files in SAP Business Object Business Planning and Consolidation version for NetWeaver?(logic and calculation)

A.    script logic tester(UJKT)
B.    transports(UJBPCTR)
C.    write back runtime parameters (UJR0)
D.    file service(UJFS)

Answer: D

Which object in BW is equivalent to a model in SAP business Object Planning and Consolidation for NetWeaver?(models)

A.    standard infocube
B.    real-time infocube
C.    multiProvider
D.    VirtualProvider

Answer: C

Which of the following business Rules can you use in a financial models?(business rules and controls)

A.    Elimination and adjustment
B.    method-based multipliers
C.    method s
D.    currency translation

Answer: D

Which of the following steps are mandatory if you want to perform a transport from the development system to the production system(administration)?

A.    run a full optimization
B.    run the transport-create request (UJBPCTR) transaction
C.    take the environment offline
D.    select planning and consolidation objects in theBW transport collector

Answer: BC

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